
Imagem de Poster - Mostra de Cinema


Sobre a mostra

Artwork by Hector Babenco

In its 31st edition, Mostra Internacional de Cinema went far beyond showing the most important productions of several countries and retrospectives as a tribute to great names in cinema to include discussing the crisis in cinephilia. As part of an approach to the subject, Mostra released the Brazilian edition of A Rampa by French critic Serge Daney, co-edited with Cosac Naify publishers. The grand award winners at the 31st Mostra were the French feature The Human Question by Nicolas Klotz awarded the Critics Prize and The Pope’s Toilet, by Enrique Fernández and César Charlone, awarded the Prize from the Jury for Best Film. The Prize from the Public for Best Foreign Fiction Film was shared between American film Into the Wild by Sean Penn and the French film Persépolis by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Parannaud. Two important names in cinema were awarded prizes acknowledging films made. Chinese Jia Zhangke, with a retrospective at the 31st Mostra (he came to Brazil to receive the Prize for Best Film at the 29th Mostra, with The World), and Israeli film maker Amos Gitaï, awarded the Humanity Prize for the sum total of his work that includes Kippur (2000) and Disengagement (2007), shown at this edition of Mostra. See the list of all the award winners here. Mostra also paid tribute to great film maker Claude Lelouch with a retrospective. He came to São Paulo to present his most recent filmCrossed Tracks. Outstanding in this edition of Mostra was the Étalons de Yennenga: Grand Prizes of Fespaco 1972-2005 Retrospective, with 16 features and a medium-length film shown, the winners of the Pan-African Uagadugu Festival of Cinema and Television. The daring project of Canadian film maker Guy Maddin, the spectacular film Brand Upon The Brain had a special presentation with journalist, presenter, actress, and singer Marília Gabriela as narrator.

Movies | Winners