

Sobre o filme

Ao, a 12-year-old boy, lives with his mother and little sister on Sado Island, in Japan. He misses his father, who has gone missing without a trace. While his mother tries to deal with the loss in her own way, Ao and his sister run across the island and scream at the ocean. In the mysterious transfer student Sayoko, who inconspicuously swipes books from a school library, Ao finds a confidant, and together, they feel less alone.

Título original: BLUE WIND BLOWS

Ano: 2018

Classificação: General Audience

Duração: 88 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Japan

Tags: parenthood, childhood, friendship

Cor: cor

Direção: Tetsuya Tomina

Roteiro: Tetsuya Tomina

Fotografia: Susumu Miyazu

Montagem: Tetsuya Tomina

Elenco: Hizuki Tanaka, Yayako Uchida, Masato Hagiwara

Produtor: Mina Hatanaka

Produção: TETSUYA to MINA film

Música: Nozomu Sato
