

Sobre o filme

Captured over the course of an eventful year in 23 countries, the film follows a chain of stories that stretches across the globe in countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, France, Greece, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, and Turkey. It follows a desperate search for safety, shelter and justice: from teeming refugee camps to perilous ocean crossings to barbed wire borders; from dislocation and disillusionment to courage, endurance and adaptation; from the haunting lure of lives left behind to the unknown potential of the future. AI WEIWEI - HUMANITY AWARD

Título original: HUMAN FLOW

Ano: 2017

Classificação: 14 years

Duração: 140 min

Gênero: Documentary

País: Germany

Cor: cor

Direção: Ai Weiwei

Roteiro: Chin-Chin Yap, Tim Finch, Boris Cheshirkov

Fotografia: Ai Weiwei, Murat Bay, Christopher Doyle, Huang Wenhai, Konstantinos Koukoulis, Renaat Lambeets, Li Dongxu, Lv Hengzhong, Ma Yan, Johannes Waltermann, Xie Zhenwei, Zhang Zanbo

Montagem: Niels Pagh Andersen

Produtor: Ai Weiwei, Chin-Chin Yap, Heino Deckert

Produção: Participant Media, AC Films, Ai Weiwei Production

Música: Karsten Fundal

Distribuição: Paris Filmes