

Sobre o filme

Aqualoucos were clown athletes in swimsuits that used to do the craziest things from a diving board. They were the original mix between skilled jumpers and divers with circus’ clowns. Famous between the 1950’s and 1980’s, they would draw thousands of people to Clube Tietê every weekend. But being an Aqualouco was not a career or source of income, it was the personality of these young men, who found their true call in challenging danger in front of a crowd without getting anything back.

Título original: AQUALOUCOS

Ano: 2017

Classificação: General Audiences

Duração: 75 min

Gênero: Documentary

País: Brazil

Cor: cor


Roteiro: Victor Ribeiro, Mirna Nogueira, Bia Crespo, Henry Grazinolli, Thiago Iacocca

Fotografia: Felipe Hermini

Montagem: Ricardo Farias, Victor Ribeiro

Produtor: Sandi Adamiu, Marcio Fraccaroli, André Fraccaroli

Produção: Paris Entretenimento

Música: Grand Bazaar

Distribuição: Paris Filmes