
BELINDA (2017)

Sobre o filme

We follow Belinda in three moments of her life. Belinda is 9. She lives with her sister at a children`s home. The authorities part them, so the sisters run away, crossing forests at night to reunite. At 15, she lives with her mother and is about to become godmother to Nicolas, her sister`s son. Belinda is 23. she lives with her father. She loves Thierry, his blue eyes and his accent from the mountains. She will meet him when he is released from jail.

Título original: BELINDA

Ano: 2017

Classificação: General Audiences

Duração: 107 min

Gênero: Documentary

País: France

Cor: cor


Roteiro: Marie Dumora

Fotografia: Marie Dumora

Montagem: Catherine Gouze

Produtor: Laurent Lavolé

Produção: Gloria Films

World Sales: Be For Films
