
Skin Felt (2008)

Sobre o filme

The routine existence of the blind who are active in the job market in a somewhat unconventional way. In a world that is ever more dominated by images, parcial or total loss of vision triggers added depth in the use of other senses that become sharper. The main theme of the film are the capacities, abilities, countless possibilities of inclusion, as also stimuli, understanding and the struggle against every mode of prejudice.

Título original: Sentidos à Flor Da Pele

Ano: 2008

Duração: 80 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: color digital

Direção: Evaldo Mocarzel

Roteiro: Evaldo Mocarzel e Marcelo Moraes

Fotografia: Paulo Jacinto dos Reis e Jacques Cheuiche

Produtor: Zita Carvalhosa