
The Rat Herb (2008)

Sobre o filme

He and She walk around a cemetery nearby the seashore. The pronouns are their names. They don’t know each other and are the only alive beings in that place. At a certain moment, stepping on a rock loose on the ground, She trips and falls, and is promptly helped by He. She, a teacher, whose father died three days ago, has nobody else in the world. Facing that situation, He offers himself to look after She during his lifetime. This is the beginning of an uncanny relationship. The film is freely inspired on Machado de Assis’ short stories, A Causa Secreta and Um Esqueleto.

Título original: A Erva Do Rato

Ano: 2008

Duração: 80 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: color

Direção: Júlio Bressane

Roteiro: Julio Bressane, Rosa Dias

Fotografia: Walter Carvalho

Elenco: Alessandra Negrini, Selton Mello

Produtor: Marcello Maia, Bruno Safadi

Música: Guilherme Vaz