
Rose`s Dream- 10 Years Later (2000)

Sobre o filme

In 1985, film maker Tetê Moraes traveled down to Rio Grande do Sul to follow up on the story of the 1 500 families that settled on the Annoni farmlands. This was the first great appropriation of unproductive land under the newly-established MST - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Movement Pro Landless Rural Laborers). The experience produced a film that was much acclaimed, Land for Rose, where the name of the film is a tribute to one of the occupants of the farmlands. Now fifteen years after, director Tetê Moraes returned to the site to follow up on what had happened to these families, and makes a stirring account of a second meeting with those who were part of the previous documentary. She can, then, record the manner in which that dream has become reality, showing how those people organized themselves into associations or cooperatives. The film was first made on video, in 1996, and won the Margarida de Prata prize at the CNBB National Conference of Bishops of Brazil.

Ano: 2000

Duração: 92 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: colorido


Roteiro: Tetê Moraes

Fotografia: Cezar Moraes

Montagem: Henrique Tartarotti, Felipe Lacerda, Flávio Nunes

Produtor: Tetê Moraes