
The King of Ping Pong (2009)

Sobre o filme

Rille, 16, is ostracized and bullied; a nobody. Everywhere, that is, except in the ping pong room. There he rules; he is the King of Ping Pong. His brother Erik, 13, is charming, respected and loved by all. Despite the profound difference between them, they share the same blood; at least that is what they both believe. When they learn the truth about their father during their spring break, they become bitter adversaries engaged in a life and death struggle.

Título original: Ping Pongkingen

Ano: 2009

Duração: 107

Gênero: Fiction

País: Sweden

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Jens Jonsson, Hans Gunnarsson

Fotografia: Askild Vik Edvardsen

Elenco: Jerry Johansson, Hampus Johansson, Ann-Sofie Nurmi

Produtor: Jan Blomgren

Música: Martin Willert