
Nobody Knows (2004)

Sobre o filme

Keiko and her four children have just moved into a small apartment. Except for Akira, the elder son, the children have to hide from the neighbors. Keiko gives them strict orders not to make any noise or leave the place, not even go out in the balcony. Her family would certainly be evicted if the landlord found out she’s a single mother with four kids. Akira, 12, plays the father role most of the time since the mother is out working the whole day. The four siblings get along quite well, considering each one has a different father. On the account of their isolation and the need maintain secrecy of their existence, none of the kids go to school. To make up for it, the kids have created a study routine at home, often overseen by the tireless and affectionate Akira. One day, Keiko disappears and leaves her kids a small sum of money and a note: “Dear Akira, mommy is going to be away for some time. Please look after Kioko, Shigeru and Yuki”.

Título original: Dare Mo Shiranai

Ano: 2004

Duração: 141’ minutos

País: Japan

Cor: Colorido


Roteiro: Hirokazu Kore-eda

Fotografia: Yutaka Yamazaki

Elenco: Yuya Yagira, Ayu Kitaura, Hiei Kimura, Momoko Shimizu, Hanae Kan, You

Produtor: Hirokazu Kore-eda