
I Hate São Paulo (2003)

Sobre o filme

A contemporary social allegory based on the life experience of the director, querying his identity and the consequences of the military dictatorship in the largest city in South America. Daniel, a successful operator on the stock exchange loses his fortune and job in fraudulent speculation. His life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Tomas, a friend of his father?s, and charming daughter Mônica. Parallel to revealing episodes from his father?s life, the city of São Paulo is also in evidence with the discovery of scenes from an ancient documentary.

Título original: I Hate São Paulo

Ano: 2003

Duração: 89 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: col


Roteiro: Dardo Toledo Barros

Fotografia: Carlos Jay Yamashita

Elenco: Claudio Fontana, Wolney de Assis, Regina Remencius Melissa Panzutti

Produtor: Dardo Toledo Barros