
A White Ballad (2007)

Sobre o filme

In an apartment, the life of an elderly couple, married for many years, evolves like an old record player: slow and repetitious. The woman suffers from an incurable disease and has little time left to live. They have always lived quietly, but now even more so. Words can no longer express meanings. The presence of death makes every single action between the elderly couple, both important and definite. A White Ballad is a cinematic journey of words and images, about isolation, youth, decay and love. It is a film about the complex and simultaneous, incomprehensible dimensions of life and death.

Título original: Una Ballata Bianca

Ano: 2007

Duração: 78 minutos

País: Italy

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Stefano Odoardi, Kees Roorda

Fotografia: Tarek

Elenco: Nicola Lanci, Carmela Lanci, Simona Senzacqua, Cristina e Andrea

Produtor: Stefano Odoardi

Música: Carlo Crivelli